Types of Flyers

Even if you specialize in online internet marketing, experts know that it’s risky to focus only on one advertising medium. Using brochures and various types of flyers to hand out to customers and other prospects is a fast, immediate-impact strategy. It’s powerful and personal.

If you’re asking yourself “Do flyers work?”, the answer is flyers work every time, and they’re irreplaceable. Flyers give your business credibility in the sense that people expect companies and organizations to have printed material. They are also time-saving due to the fact that people ask for the brochures and flyers to take away and read at their leisure.


What Are the 3 Main Types of Flyers in the Marketing Industry?

1. First, we have the flyer ads promoting limited-time discounts and sale advertisements. These flyers emphasize the information rather than the design. All information is concise and easy-to-read thanks to highly legible fonts. What should a flyer include to promote a special sale? They should have the contact details, product details and prices in bold colors. An image of what you’re selling is also a must.

2. Corporate flyers to promote brand awareness pack in a lot of content while maintaining a clean look. Choose flyer color schemes in more neutral tones. With these types of flyers, designers use a balanced grid to position the page elements. For instance, what should a flyer include if you like a flat design for corporate purposes? Work flyers should have company logos, contact details and photos of your signature product or service.

3. Photo-centric flyers are best for promoting network-building through events. They incorporate flyer color schemes with attention-seeking vibes like you might see for marketing nightclubs. How do you know what to put on a flyer for an event? It’s easy. Start by using bright and inviting color schemes. In a good example of a flyer for an event, the people viewing the flyer should be able to mentally go to the event and imagine what the event experience would feel like when they look at it.

Determine what to put on a flyer for an event by considering the special aspects of your location and the theme of your event. Choose photos that showcase these elements. Ultimately, the question of what to put on a flyer for an event is totally up to you, and you have the freedom to choose any relevant image that excites your potential audience.


What’s the Most Effective Way to Distribute Flyers?

In general, you’ll know how to hand out flyers effectively if you ask yourself “If I wanted to get this flyer, where would I look for information like this?”

Talk to other business owners to get permission to place flyers in complementary locations. For example, if you’re advertising a concert, you could put your flyers in a coffee shop that also hosts live musicians on the weekends. Some of the best places to distribute flyers are places that you pass by every day.

You might hang the flyers in bus stops where people often stand idly. Another trick for how to hand out flyers effectively is to leave them near checkout counters, laundromats and reception areas where customers wait for a long time. These places are just like bus stops. People waiting will read them even if it’s just to kill boredom.

If you’re looking for flyers that really stand out, the designers at Copy Bargain can help. We offer professional designs and rapid turnarounds for your convenience. If you’d like to learn more about the various types of flyers we offer, contact us today.